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Affordable Housing for West Michigan
two college students studying together on the lawn in front of a brick university building

Jean McKee Resident Scholarship Program

Available exclusively to Grand Rapids Housing Commission affordable housing program participants


Jean McKee Resident Scholarship Application Form

About the Scholarship Program

Established in memory of an attorney, educator and longtime champion of education who served on the Grand Rapids Housing Commission, the Jean McKee Resident Scholarship Program awards academic scholarships of up to $2,000 ($500 per year for up to four years) to residents of GRHC housing programs who attend or plan to attend college or vocational school.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must have been a resident of a housing program administered by the Grand Rapids Housing Commission (GRHC) for the past year.
  • The applicant’s household must be in good standing with the GRHC.
  • Program is open to graduating high school seniors, current college or vocational school students, and adult residents seeking to begin or return to college or vocational school. Graduating high school seniors, undergraduate students and participants in the GRHC’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program will receive priority status for this program.
  • Applicant must attend an accredited vocational school, community college, college or university as a full-time student.
  • Scholarship winners are eligible to renew the scholarship annually for up to four years. Continuing requirements of scholarship winners:
    • Must maintain a cumulative 2.5 GPA.
    • Must maintain enrollment as a full-time student at an accredited vocational school, community college, college or university.

Application Requirements

A completed Jean McKee Resident Scholarship Application Form is required of all applicants. Additional requirements are listed below by applicant status.

Additional requirements, graduating high school senior

  • Official high school transcript that shows high school completion and cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
  • Letter or email* of recommendation from a teacher or administrator at the applicant’s high school.
    *Email must be from the teacher’s or administrator’s school email account
  • Letter of acceptance from an accredited vocational school, community college, college or university

Additional requirements, current college or vocational school student

  • Official college/vocational school transcript that shows:
    • A cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
    • Student maintained full-time enrollment during the term preceding scholarship application
    • Student is enrolled full-time for the upcoming summer or fall term
  • Letter or email* of recommendation from a teacher or counselor at the applicant’s college/school.
    *Email must be from the teacher’s or counselor’s school email account

Additional requirements, adult seeking to begin or return to college or vocational school

  • Official high school or GED or college transcript which demonstsrates that the applicant is a high school graduate and had a cumulative high school or college GPA of at least 2.5
  • Letter of acceptance from an accredited vocational school, community college, college or university
  • Proof of full-time enrollment for the upcoming summer or fall term

Application Evaluation

Grand Rapids Housing Commission staff will conduct an initial screening of applications and make recommendations based on the program requirements outlined above. The Housing Commission governing board will review and confirm all Scholarship winners.

All Scholarship application materials must be received by the GRHC by the application deadline.