General Policies Related to Moves
An assisted family can generally move with assistance after the initial lease term (typically one year).
An assisted family is generally allowed one elective move during any 12-month period.
The GRHC will consider exceptions to these policies for the following reasons:
The family must be in good standing in order to continue assistance. This means the household…
The Moving Process
Provide notification to the landlord and the GRHC by completing and returning the GRHC’s “Intent to Vacate—30-Day Notice” form at least 30 days prior to the planned move.
The GRHC will contact your landlord to ensure that:
General Policies Related to Voucher Portability
An HCV Voucher is portable, meaning it can be transferred to any other HCV Program in the U.S.
HCV Program participants who are residents of Kent or Ottawa County can port immediately upon receiving their voucher; outside-of-county participants must rent within Kent or Ottawa County for at least one year before they are eligible to transfer or “port” their voucher outside of the GRHC’s service area.
The GRHC will consider exceptions to the above policy for purposes of a providing a reasonable accommodation to a person with disabilities or for reasons related to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.
The family must be in good standing in order to continue assistance. This means the household…
The Porting Process, Current GRHC Program Participants
Complete and return the GRHC’s “Portability Request Form” to your GRHC HCV Coordinator.
Provide notification to your landlord completing and returning the GRHC’s “Intent to Vacate—30-Day Notice” form at least 30 days prior to the planned move. Your GRHC Coordinator will need a copy of the completed, signed form.
The GRHC will contact your landlord to ensure that:
Your HCV Cooridnator will contact the public housing authority (PHA) that serves your new city. We will send needed documents to the new PHA and let you know who you should contact there.
After your request to move is approved, your HCV Coordinator will contact you to schedule an appointment during which you will provide the Coordinator with a copy of your Intent to Vacate form. At this meeting you will receive any needed paperwork from us. We will send a copy of your information to the PHA in your new city.
In about two weeks you can contact the new PHA to confirm that it has received and processed your information. Your new PHA will be able to answer any questions you may have about their program at that time.
Important: If you are a Housing Choice Voucher Program participant from outside of the GRHC’s service area trying to transfer your voucher to the GRHC’s program, your first step is to contact your HCV Coordinator at the PHA with which you are currently working.
Read a step-by-step process for “porting in” to the GRHC’s HCV Program from another area.
*DISCLAIMER: The Housing Commission is pleased to offer the convenience of links to organizations that provide rental housing search services. Please note that the linked sites are external to the GRHC’s website. The GRHC cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by linked sites. The GRHC disclaims all responsibility for the contents and results provided through linked websites.