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Affordable Housing for West Michigan
exterior, construction crew working on scaffolding

Doing Business with the Grand Rapids Housing Commission

We Support Equal Opportunity

The Grand Rapids Housing Commission provides fair and equitable treatment to all persons and firms. We promote full and open competition, operating in compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations.

The GRHC encourages the participation of minority-owned business enterprises (MBE), women-owned business enterprises (WBE), small business enterprises (SBE) and disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) in GRHC purchasing and contracting ventures.

Purchasing Opportunities

The GRHC procures a wide variety of materials, supplies, equipment, construction and consultant services. We contract with vendors for the following types of products and services:

  • Construction goods and services
  • Office and maintenance supplies
  • Professional services

All procurement procedures are conducted in full compliance with the federal standards stated in 24 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 85.36, and the GRHC Procurement Policy.

Procurement Policy Highlights

Small Purchases

Purchases in an amount exceeding $10,000 but not exceeding $250,000 require an informal solicitation. GRHC staff will issue a scope of work or list of items and will obtain a minimum of three quotes. Quotes may be obtained verbally, by fax, in writing or through e-procurement.

Formal Solicitation

Purchases in an amount exceeding $250,000 require a formal request for bids, proposals or qualifications. These solicitations will be advertised in local newspapers and on this website.