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Affordable Housing for West Michigan
exterior, construction worker installing siding on Creston Plaza duplex unit

Section 3 Employment/Training

Section 3 is part of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968. It requires the GRHC and other recipients of HUD funds to target, to the greatest extent feasible, low-income people and particularly public housing residents for the jobs and economic opportunities generated by our operations. These opportunities include job training for Section 3 residents and the awarding of contracts to Section 3-certified businesses.

Who can qualify as a Section 3 resident?

  • Current participants in GRHC housing programs
  • Participants in a HUD Youthbuild Program
  • Other City of Grand Rapids residents whose family income does not exceed 80 percent of our area’s median income

Examples of employment opportunities available under Section 3

  • Administrative/Office: Receptionist, clerical, secretarial, accounting
  • Services: Appliance repair, carpet installation, printing, transportation, maintenance technician, snow removal, lawn maintenance, custodian
  • Construction: Architectural services, general contracting, engineering demolition, excavation, carpentry, cement/masonry, drywall installation, plastering, painting, electrical installation/repair, roofing, plumbing, heating, trucking (hauling), landscaping, snow removal

The GRHC certifies all Section 3 resident applications, including those who are seeking employment with contractors. Download a Resident Certification Form to easily apply for Section 3 certification.

Types of businesses that can be certified under Section 3

  • Business is owned by Section 3 residents, or...
  • Business employs Section 3 residents in full-time positions, or...
  • Business subcontracts with firms that provide economic opportunities to low-income persons

Download a Business Certification Form to easily apply for certification as a Section 3 business.

Who awards construction-related Section 3 job training and subcontracting opportunities?

Contractors and subcontractors who work on GRHC projects are required to provide economic opportunities to the greatest extent feasible, consistent with existing federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Read the GRHC’s policies related to Section 3

How can businesses find Section 3 residents seeking employment?

  • Businesses can visit the management offices of GRHC housing developments to obtain permission to post flyers and signs on site and to hold on-site recruitment meetings.
  • Businesses can recruit in the surrounding neighborhood, place ads in local newspapers, and contact resident organizations and local community development and employment agencies.

Additionally, the GRHC works with residents and businesses to link potential Section 3 residents with employment and training opportunities.